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Ramble Room 2/12/24

Welcome to MonMon's Ramble Room- I will drop funny little story ideas, art study plans, and things here to be able to track how they evolve over time ✌ As well as just random ramblings about things in general Feb 12, 2024 - 3am EST - Holy Moly, I love 'Wistoria: Wand and Sword' so much- the art makes me happy to look at and the character designs are very scrumptious. The art style is already similar to what I do, so if I keep working on thinning out my line art I can achieve this for sure 😁 Luckily, I had a nice slow day at work this week and was able to sit and doodle a little in pen after completing my tasks- tried copying some nice things from Wistoria and solidified my understanding of how the artist does the eye shapes and such 😆 Forcing myself to use a small tip drawing utensil forces me not to thick line it, I need to find a nice ballpoint pen tool for clip studio clearly 😅 - Trying to work more on my character design- specifically outfits. I find I design cool ch

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